I Need To Lie Down

I’m angry.

Like a lot of nerds, I’m angry that Twitter is giving it to us where the sun doesn’t shine, and angry that we lived in denial about it so long.

I’m angry that I paid $50 for App.net, and so far, don’t feel like it was worth it, even to get my preferred (and short) username.

I’m angry that people have robots cross-posting to ADN, so I see the same crap twice, or (worse) fragments of conversations that get copied in to my timeline.

I’m angry that I even give a shit about it.

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The nerds are also angry about TextMate 2 going open-source and probably dying a slow, painful, Git-powered death. While I never was a big TextMate user, I totally get it.

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I’m angry that so many Americans will vote for Mitt Romney. I’m angry that the Republican party wants to revoke so much of the healthcare reform pushed through by the Obama administration. Such a move would leave my son without insurance if he makes it to adulthood.

According to conservatives, he should be held financially responsible that he was born with cancer. As long as the insurance executives can continue to rake tons of money in every month, who gives a shit about sick kids?

(I’m also angry that I will get a ton of emails about this point.)

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I’m angry that I haven’t written anything decent for the site (or personally) in weeks. I have a couple of freelance articles due soon, and I know I’m just going to have power through them.

I’m angry that my site isn’t big enough that I can go full-time with it. I’m angry that my membership is small and that this month’s traffic isn’t as good as last month’s was. Again, I’m also upset that I can get so wrapped up in numbers and incoming links.

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I need a vacation. Or a nap. Or both.