On Angry Birds Star Wars →

Chris Plante at Polygon:

Angry Birds Star Wars is the first in the series to allow players to manipulate gravity. The Obi-Wan-bird (that sound you hear is a thousand Star Wars fans groaning at such a phrase) has the ability to use the Force (a telekinetic-like power) to bend the gravity surrounding objects on the screen, batting them like tinker toys in any which direction, often toppling nearby, precariously built architecture in the process. The Force also serves the enemy pigs. Darth Vader-pig levitates platforms in certain stages, and taking him out releases the objects, raining down on helpless Empire-pigs. The Force isn’t just a gimmick in Angry Birds Star Wars, it’s a layer of strategy.

Feel that?

It’s as if millions of nerds suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

The Magazine, Issue 3 →

Issue 3 of The Magazine is out, with articles by Lex Friedman, Dan Moren, Harry Marks and yours truly.

In my article, I write about my son’s battle with cancer, and the role technology plays in his healthcare and our family.

If you haven’t subscribed to The Magazine yet, now is a great time to do so.

Tally →

My buddy Greg over at Agile Tortoise has released a new app, named Tally. It is a counter app, designed to do tally counting an iPhone without the need to look at the phone. It’s great for keeping score of a game, counting a group of people or objects or seeing how often your four-year-old will read the same book over and over in a single afternoon.

It’s on the iOS App Store for just 99 cents.

Fox Blames Obama Win on Media Bias →

Rich Noyes at Fox:

Fox News and other media outlets have projected that President Obama has been reelected to a second term. If, in celebrating his victory Obama wanted to give credit where credit is due, he might want to think about calling some of America’s top journalists, since their favorable approach almost certainly made the difference between victory and defeat.


What If There is a Tie? →

Randall Munroe at XKCD:

Putting all this together: The probability that every battleground state is exactly tied is roughly equal to the probability that, when one of the Florida electors reaches into the hat to draw a name, he or she is struck by a falling cocaine bale, the hat is hurled away within the next few seconds by a tornado, and the elector is obliterated minutes later by a meteorite impact.

The 512 Podcast Episode 037: ‘Genetically-Mutated Thumbs’ →

This week, I am joined by Bradley Chambers. We cover the use of technology in education, digital textbooks and the new iPad mini.


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