Introducing the 512 Pixels Membership


Today, I am launching the 512 Pixels Membership, a new way to directly support my work and enjoy exclusive content each and every month.


I’ve been writing here at 512 Pixels for 8 years, 8 months and 10 days. I launched the site — which used to be named ForkBombr — with a simple blog post. In it, I wrote:

I had a blog before I went to work for Apple full-time, but it was scattered and frankly, not that good. Now, I’m back, and I have a plan on how not to suck.

ForkBombr is going to focus on the things I focus on. Seems easy enough. So be prepared to see a lot on photography, internet journalism and Mac geekery.

A lot has changed over the last 453 weeks. I’m still interested in those things, and have expanded the site to cover Apple history, design, space and more. The tag line in the footer says that 512 Pixels is a blog “about things that light up and make noise.”

512 Pixels has become a trail of breadcrumbs over the last 3,174 days of my life. I took a hiatus when our son was diagnosed. A few years later, I wrote about the hardest job I’ve ever held and about a trip I took to NASA. I’ve reviewed way too many Macs and have collected even more.

(A growing number of which have come from you, 512 readers.)

On July 6, 2015, I announced I was quitting my job to work on Relay FM, 512 Pixels and my freelance business. I’ve been indie ever since, and I want to stay indie for the rest of my career.

When Myke and I started Relay FM, I put 512 Pixels on the back burner, but have been working for the last 18 months to put more and more into the site. The work is paying off; 512 Pixels is more widely read then ever, and has spun off a couple of new projects from the blog itself.

That brings us to today.

Introducing the 512 Pixels Membership

Even though I’m nearly a decade into writing it, 512 Pixels still feels fresh and new to me, but it’s a project that takes a lot of time and doesn’t make much in terms of income. The next decade of 512 Pixels requires your support.

For $5.12 a month (or $51.20 a year), you will receive these members-only benefits:

  • A monthly newsletter named System Extension. One regular column will be Time Machine, in which I cover a handful of historically important stories based on the month. The newsletter will include a guest post or interview each month. App reviews, commentary on current news and Q&A sessions will also be in the mix for every edition.
  • Advanced screening of videos for the 512 Pixels YouTube channel.
  • A warm feeling knowing you’re helping support the site and my work.

To manage your subscription, click on the My Account link at the bottom of every page of the site, or visit Credit-card transactions are made via Stripe, and Apple Pay is available. Emails will come to you via MailChimp.

I will be publishing the first newsletter on Thursday. It includes an installment of Time Machine, an article by Casey Liss on his journey with the iPad and a review of a Mac and iOS weather app that I am really enjoying.

Thank you in advance for your support of 512 Pixels.