More on Simple Task Management

Michelle Pauli at the Guardian:

It is also a fine line between indecision and obsessing over tools for the fun of it. Cross that line and you get into what is known on the web as productivity porn. GTD is big online, with entire forums devoted to the minutiae of how to implement it, from the right kind of notebook (Moleskines are popular), to the best way to tweak Googlemail to make it more GTD-friendly. Is this merely procrastinating about productivity? Merlin Mann, creator of productivity blog 43Folders, and author of Inbox Zero, believes so.

“Joining a Facebook group about personal productivity is like buying a chair about jogging,” says Mann, who had a personal epiphany when he realized that his work had become “less about finishing the tasks that mean a lot to me and more about an almost talmudic debate about how to think about those tasks”. He switched focus to emphasize the need to “make and do” as well as talk when it comes to productivity, arguing that tools matter but only once you have developed the expertise; before you get the expertise they can be nothing more than a distraction.

This fits quite nicely with my quest for simple task management.