On Pinboard →

Maciej Cegłowski:

Today is the third anniversary of the site’s public debut.

I really can’t imagine my Internet-based workflow without Pinboard at this point.

I use the service as my end-of-the-road, collect-everything bucket. Instapaper articles all get copied there. Funny cat .gifs get saved there. Links I post on Twitter get archived.

I just keep a handful of bookmarklets on my local computer. Everything else I imported in to Pinboard last year.

Speaking of archiving, I pay for the archiving, so Pinboard just doesn’t save URLs, but the content of the pages as well. So, so worth it.

While the service has loads of social tools, I don’t use them. Everything gets processed as Read and Private upon import. Pinboard is an archive of stuff, there if I need it.

As of this writing, I have 7,336 bookmarks saved.