Twitter Certified Products Verticals →


To meet overwhelming demand for Twitter content, we partner with a number of companies that sublicense public Tweets. These partners build platforms and organizations that solve the data needs for non-consumer and analytics products. We look for partners that meet the platform and support requirements of enterprise customers, and accelerate the pace of innovation for their customers.

Well, the suits have taken over at Twitter. What a shame.

No NFC on New iPhone? →

This make a lot of sense to me. Not only do the leaked parts build a case against it, the real world just isn’t NFC-ready yet. Don’t get me wrong, I think Apple is the company that could make NFC go mainstream, but I don’t see it happening this fall.

RSS Sponsor: Checkmark →

Checkmark is the fastest way to create location- or time-based reminders for iPhone.

In just a few seconds you can create new reminders — it only takes 3 taps! You can watch this little movie we made to see it in action.

In only 3 taps you can remind yourself to:

  • Do laundry when you get home
  • Pick up milk next time you’re at the grocery store
  • Call your wife when you leave work
  • Remember to pick up a cake at 3 pm tomorrow
  • Make a haircut appointment on Tuesday at 10 am

You can even add a timer to location-based reminders so the alert goes off when you’re ready to get it done — like 15 minutes after you arrive home.

Checkmark is available in the App Store for $2.99.

Sponsorship by The Syndicate

On the Asus Zenbook Prime UX31A →

Like most Ultrabooks, it looks like a MacBook Air inside and out. Oh, and don’t miss this:

The UX31A’s big battery is easily removable, but the SSD is proprietary and the RAM is soldered to the motherboard.

Man, Apple’s hardware guys are real jerks.

Tweetbot for Mac Alpha Pulled

Matthew Panzarino:

Tweetbot developer Tapbots has announced that it has pulled its very popular alpha Mac app from release due to the new caps on maximum users that Twitter recently said it would begin enforcing. The developers have tried to work with Twitter to come up with a way to have the alpha not eat up the limited amount of slots available to them, but says that Twitter has been uncooperative.

Tapbot’s Paul Haddad:

Just to be perfectly clear, Tweetbot for Mac will still be available for sale in the near future, we are just stopping the public part of the alpha/beta testing. We wish we could continue on but we didn’t make the rules, we just have to live within them. Again sorry for the hassle and thank you very much to everyone that has provided valuable feedback during the alpha.

As of this writing, the alpha still works. Hopefully that will continue to be the case.

Oh, and shame on Twitter.

Apple to Build Next Mars Rover →

Ulysse Merou:

Searching for organic carbon compounds buried in soil 35 million miles from home? There’s an app for that.

Faced with severe budget cutbacks, NASA has turned to Apple for help with its next Mars lander.

Man, I love Scoopertino.