macOS Sequoia Now Includes Ability to Move Tasks Between Lists in Reminders More Easily

A month ago, I wrote about the Inspector in Reminders being different on the Mac from the version found in iOS and iPadOS:

The biggest example in my mind is the ability to move a task to a different list. On the iPhone and iPad, it’s super easy, as there’s a drop-down right in the Inspector. Mac users, however, don’t have that UI, and are left to drag and drop tasks between lists.

That’s fine if you know about drag and drop and have a small number of lists. However, it can be error-prone and confusing to many users.

So, dearest Reminders team, please consider adding the List control to the Mac version of Reminders, if not the entire Inspector directly from the mobile — and more useful — version of Reminders.

I filed this as Feedback FB14077154, and I have some good news! In our continued tradition, the Reminders team at Apple have heard our collective cry and have taken action, adding a new control to the Inspector in Reminders on the Mac.

I’m traveling this week, and I owe a huge thank you to Relay Discord member Inuk for this glorious screenshot out of Developer Beta 4 of macOS Sequoia:

Reminders in Sequoia Beta 4

A true :chefs-kiss: moment.