Performa Month: A Change in Direction

In August of 1994, Apple was on the cusp of shipping the first PowerPC Performas. That’s a topic for a future blog post, but just because the 68K machines were getting old doesn’t mean Apple was giving up on them.

Robin Meyerowitz wrote this for MacWEEK at the time:

Breaking from a 2-year-old strategy that limited Performas to major retailers, Apple USA last week said it is expanding distribution of its consumer Mac line to authorized Apple resellers, smaller retail outlets and computer superstores.

Apple said it expects to add up to 600 stores to its nationwide roster of Performa dealers. Models available to resellers include the 475, 550, 630, 630CD and 638CDV.

Under the new distribution plan, Performas will be sold through superstores such as CompUSA Inc. and MicroCenter, as well as regional retailers such as Creative Computers, ComputerTown, Ballards and Computize.

In addition, Apple will help finance the new Performa resellers’ advertising campaigns and support the Performa with in-store, point-of-purchase materials.

According to Julie Faster, Apple USA retail channel programs manager, the company decided to begin offering Performas through traditional dealers this month to make the line more available to consumers and small businesses. “We’ve learned how to optimize the product in a retail environment,” she said.

Previously, Performas were sold through what Apple calls “power retailers,” including Sears, Roebuck and Co., Circuit City Stores Inc., Silo Inc. and Best Buy Co. Inc. Those 30 retailers represent about 5,000 storefronts.

Meyerowitz went on, quoting an industry export:

Laura Curran, director of research at Merrin Information Services Inc. of Palo Alto, Calif., said making Performas more readily available is necessary for Apple to expand its user base.

“A large retailer like CompUSA is the best place to be; customers prefer a large, one-stop-shopping format,” she said. “[Selling through superstores] is like food and water. If it’s going to survive, it has to be in the superstore.”

Just for kicks, enjoy this photo of some 1990s consumers checking out a Performa at Sears:

Performa at Sears

image via AppleInsider

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