OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Available in October 2014, OS X Yosemite ushered in a brand-new version of Aqua. Now much more in line with iOS, Yosemite featured a flat design and wide-ranging use of transparency. It came complete with both light and dark modes, the latter making the menu bar, Spotlight (and its new center-of-the-screen design) and Dock black. Yosemite used Helvetica Neue as its default system font, replacing Lucida Grande.

Many of Yosemite’s features made the Mac play better with its iOS cousins. Continuity meant a user could move between their Mac and iOS deices more seamlessly, while the new Today view in Notification Center made use of iOS-like widgets. Photos replaced both iPhoto and Aperture, and allowed users to sync their entire photo library with iCloud.

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View all entries in the Aqua Screenshot Library or check out OS X’s default wallpapers, updated for 5K Retina displays.

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