A Brief Rant About the iPod Touch, Which May Have Caught a Kid’s Pants on Fire

Ars Technica:

The mother of a kid living in Cincinnati, Ohio is suing Apple and 10 unnamed retail employees from the Apple Store in Kenwood over an iPod touch that allegedly exploded in the child’s pocket. According to the complaint filed yesterday in the Southern District of Ohio, the plaintiff had the “iTouch” (as the lawsuit refers to it) in his pocket during school when the unfortunate accident happened, resulting in hospital bills and other monetary losses thanks to the disintegration of the iPod touch and, well, the kid’s clothes.

As horrible as this is, it highlights one of my major pet peeves: People calling the iPod Touch the “iTouch.”

It is the iPod Touch. Two words. “iTouch” just sounds creepy.

When I worked at the Apple Store, there was a lady on the sales floor that said “iTouch” several times a day. And several times a day, I had to restrain myself from clubbing her in the face with an iPod Touch.


Also, I’m interested to see how that case turns out. If an iPod Touch did catch his pants on fire, it’d be pretty exciting. I mean, sad.