A Decision to be Free

Mary Thompson:

I remember how much I used the iPhone when I had it (ALL THE TIME). It was convenient and I never had to think. If someone asked me a question I could Google the answer in a few seconds. Instead of forcing myself to remember things I could just store them on the phone. There was no reason to use my brain because the iPhone was available to me at all times. There was also the constant urge to be online reading/updating/playing/learning things.

Since getting rid of my iPhone I’ve been a lot better about ignoring my phone. I don’t have constant internet access so I’m not constantly checking my email or updating Twitter of my Facebook status. I’m not obsessed with what’s going on online when I should be focused on what I’m doing in the real world. I feel like I’m free from the need to check everything. I feel like I’m much better at being in the room and with people. I’ve rid myself of the extremely bad habit of playing with my iPhone when I’m with people and I think I’m better for it.