
Robert Scoble, on what he wants to see in future editions of Windows:

I want everything I touch to be socialized. Why doesn’t Outlook know anything about Facebook? Why don’t my photos automatically get pushed to Flickr? Why don’t I have a news app on my desktop that brings in Tweets from Twitter? Why aren’t notifications built into the system at a deep level?


Why can’t my Xbox be a Windows 7 PC and vice versa? Does the world really need separate devices for all these features?

While his “we don’t need separate devices” makes sense to me, the bit about the desktop becoming more social doesn’t. What Scoble is describing almost exists today. The good thing about today’s implementations of social media on the desktop is that it’s optional. I can quit Tweetie, and I decide what photos to publish on Flickr.

I view social media as a way to shape my public image. I only post my best photos on Flickr and only update Twitter or Facebook with the messages I want people to read. Having an always-on, always-updating social media mindset muddies the water too much for my taste.