Ex-Apple Geniuses in Class Action Suit

Case No. CGC 09–492590:

Representative plaintiff Steve Camuti, on behalf of all others similarly situated, filed a Complaint in San Francisco County Superior Court on September 15, 2009. The lawsuit is on behalf of all persons employed in non-exempt (hourly paid) “Genius” positions in California. It alleges that Apple denied those employees rest breaks without paying wages for that time in violation of California law. The proposed plaintiff class seeks to recover unpaid wages, penalties, an injunction and other equitable relief and fees and costs for the period of September 15, 2005 through the present.

I know when I worked as a Genius — especially after I was promoted to Lead Genius — I didn’t take my breaks most days.

I was never actively denied a break though — most days were just far too hectic for me to go wander around the strip mall for 15 minutes while the Bar got further behind on appointments and repairs kept stacking up in the back room.