Dec. 2010: The State of the Blog

Looking Back

A year ago today, I shut down this website.

Needless to say, that didn’t last.

Here’s a paragraph a friend emailed me a year ago:

I’ve just got way too much stuff, way too many gadgets, way too many computers, and spend way too much time wasting time on the Internet on things that don’t deserve time out of my life that I can’t ever get back.

My friend is still right, but closing ForkBombr was the wrong answer to my desire to simplify my life. I love writing — I need to write.

That said, I have cut several things out of my life. Even so, I’ve learned that simplifying life is far more complicated than simply cutting things out. It’s hard work to keep distractions at bay.

Looking Forward

Since re-opening it, I’ve made a deliberate shift in my writing here on ForkBombr. In March, I wrote this:

It’s hard to keep up with everything, and the world doesn’t need another site re-posting Apple news. There are 1357 other sites that can do that, if that’s what you’re looking for.

So, you should expect longer, more thoughtful posts, fewer times a week. I don’t promise a new item on the front page every 4 hours. If you’re looking for the latest on all-things Apple, ForkBombr isn’t for you.

I’ve stuck to my word, and have written more reviews and commentary than ever this year. I’ve enjoyed writing it, and my traffic stats tell me you like reading it. 2011 promises to be another year of growth here, and that’s not possible without you.

So, dear reader, thank you. I’m humbled by each incoming link and each new RSS subscriber. I really am.