Knowledge Base Dumpster Diving #pastblast

This is from my 5th post ever here at ForkBombr, in which I discussed a challenge from a friend to find the oldest existing article on Apple’s support site:

An interesting challenge, but an easy one at the end of the day. I found article 116 which explains how “to use Apple Writer with the Paymar Lower Case Adapter.” The oldest article I found was number 3, which reads:

The Apple II and IIe power supply is a switching power supply. It is designed to accept 107 to 135 volts from DC to 60 Hz.

It will also work at up to 400 Hz but this endangers a circuit which protects the supply from shorting to the point that the protecting circuit will not work.

Glad I know that. Next time I plug an Apple IIe in, I’ll keep it in mind.