The $200 Tablet

The Wall Street Journal’s Brett Arends bought a Nook Color, rooted it, and is calling it a tablet:

Be aware that you perform this software hack entirely at your own risk. Barnes & Noble says it invalidates your warranty. The process ran smoothly for me, but when I read the Internet chat rooms, I found at least a few people had had problems. If it goes wrong, you’re on your own.

Of course, it’s hardly the same as an iPad or a Xoom or a Galaxy. It doesn’t have any cameras. It has a slower processor. It’s not for power users. The video support is pretty limited. A few Android programs still won’t run on it. And dedicated gamers will doubtless find it frustrating.

But as a basic tablet, it’s absolutely fine for me—and, I suspect, a lot of people. Indeed, I happen to prefer it to bigger rivals, because it actually slips into my overcoat pocket. (I hate having to carry things around.)

You get what you pay for. And you should never come to rely on something based on rooting or a jailbreak. And Brett is a moron.

[via Jim Dalrymple]