Paul Thurrott, Professional Douchebag

Leading off his recap of WWDC:

No discussion of a modern day Apple event can occur without at least some passing mention of Steve Jobs, who now both looks and sounds like he’s dying. I’m sorry to have to write that, and I know people get freaked whenever anyone has the temerity to even mention it, but come on. Aside from the weird psychological needs of a guy who feels he needs to market the hell out of products before an adoring crowd even though he is clearly–and literally–a shadow of his former self, the whole thing is just sad. Suffice to say I’m really pulling for the guy. But I am afraid for him.

Look, I get that Thurrott isn’t an Apple fan. He is a Windows guy. I have no problem with that. But this type of writing is just distasteful. Stick to writing about products, not someone’s health.