Instacast HD Released… And It’s Great

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Instacast HD is now on the App Store. If you own an iPad and care about quality podcasts, you need this app. Cody Fink agrees.

It includes all the features found on the iPhone version, re-imagined for the iPad’s form factor. The few people I showed it off to during the beta testing phase were all seriously impressed at the UI. The guys and gals at Vemedio really know how to build a good-looking app.

With Instacast’s iCloud sync, it’s easy to keep subscriptions matched between the two devices. However, I’m just using HD for video podcasts. That’s not to say I don’t love the iPad version for audio, too — I just find my iPhone a lot easier to deal with in the car, which is where I listen to podcasts the most.

I’ll be passing out a handful of promo codes over on Twitter today, by the way. Even if you don’t get one, the $4.99 for this app is well worth it.