On the Nokia Lumia 800

Abdel Ibrahim:

For two and a half weeks, I mulled the Lumia 800’s merits. It’s a beautiful, sturdy phone with a great battery, a good camera, and a decent screen. But was it good enough to replace my year-and-a-half-old iPhone 4? I wondered. Well, it hasn’t. As impressive as the Lumia is, its ecosystem leaves a lot to be desired, and the apps I’ve come to know and love are nowhere to be found in Microsoft Marketplace.

I also feel that a smartphone ought to double as a pocketable computer. Unfortunately, the Lumia doesn’t fit that bill either. Too many pieces are missing from Mango. I am, however, confident that Microsoft and Nokia will hit their stride down the road, and when they do, the Lumia will be a force to be reckoned with. It’s just not there yet.

If anything, click through for the amazing photos on his review.