The Daily Helmsman Speaks Out →

Chelsea Boozer, Editor-n-Chief of my old college newspaper:

We soon learned that the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee’s decision to give us $25,000 less than we have historically received was retaliation. Two committee members – the former Student Government Association president and vice president – were outspokenly angry that we didn’t write a story about one of the SGA’s events last semester.

They said they should be getting free advertisement through our articles and want the paper to publish press releases submitted and written by organizations.


Our goal is not to promote any one group or another, including the University of Memphis. Nor is it to make the University look bad. A few of those who play a role in setting the paper’s funding cut have told me that the Helmsman needs to help them “put the University on a regional map” and promote more school spirit on campus.

The University’s investigation is due to wrap up this week. I’ll be shocked if the U of M finds the SGA (or itself) in the wrong, and I’ll be more shocked if this doesn’t end up in court.