On Digital Journaling →

Day One creator Paul Mayne, on the advantages of digital journaling:

It’s not as physical or tactile, but what is lost is more than made up in terms of what a digital journal on an iPhone is capable of. It’s always with you, it makes composing text by typing or by voice so fast and easy. And I’d say take photos of your sketches and scraps of paper using the Day One app camera. It will be preserved. I might also note that we are working towards vastly improved export features in Day One that will allow PDF creation and printing abilities of specifically chosen dates and entries, well formatted and designed to give users the ability to create a beautiful, tactile version of their journal data.

I’ve written about Day One before, and I can’t really remember a time without it being on my iPhone’s home screen. I open it to toss a photo or a few sentences at least a couple of times most days. If you aren’t using it yet, shame on you.