On The PowerBook G3

Like the iMac G3, the PowerBook G3 line of notebooks helped revive Apple in the late 90s and the first year of the 21st century. Apple took the power of the G3 processor and put it in a mobile workhorse. Let’s look at exactly what the company did with these machines:

The Kanga

PowerBook G3 'Kanga'

image via retromaccast on Flickr

In many ways, the original PowerBook G3 was a stopgap machine. Only available from November 1997 to May 1998, the machine was basically a PowerBook 3400c with a 250 MHz G3 processor, faster motherboard and quicker RAM. (In fact, this machine is sometimes nicknamed the 3500.) These upgrades made the Kanga twice as fast as the the 240 MHz PPC 603ev-based 3400c.

The PowerBook G3 supported 160 MB of RAM, required Mac OS 8 and supported up to Mac OS 9.1. It shipped with a 5 GB hard drive, a 12-inch 800×600 LCD and the following ports:

  • 1 ADB
  • 1 DIN–8 RS–422 serial port
  • 1 HDI30 SCSI connector
  • Ethernet
  • Modem

Additionally, the machine came with an infared support, 2 CardBus slots and the same expansion bay found on previous PowerBooks.

The Kanga is the only G3-powered Macintosh that is not officially compatible with OS X.

The Wallstreet I

Introduced in May 1998, this machine was a very different animal than the original PowerBook G3. With options for a 12“ passive matrix LCD, a 13.3” TFT LCD, and a 14.1" TFT LCD, the Wallstreet sported a brand new design that was both thinner and lighter than the PowerBook G3 before it.

Available with 233 MHz, 250 MHz, or 292 MHz G3 processors, the upper two models were a good bit faster, thanks to a full megabyte of L2 cache.

The Wallstreet I started at $2,299 U.S. for 233 MHz with no floppy drive and a 12" screen, and cost around $7,000 U.S. fully loaded.

Unfortunately, these machines had a tendency to run hot, something Apple would resolve with the next revision.

The Wallstreet II (or PDQ)

PowerBook G3 'Wallstreet II'

image via Wikipedia

This model was an answer to supply and heat problems that had plauged Apple with the previous machine. By standardizing the bus speed (to 66 MHz) and the screen size (to 14.1 inch), Apple had the ability to ship fewer options, making production run much smoother.

The 233 MHz was initially sold for $2,799, the 266 MHz model for $3,499, and the 300 MHz model for $3,999. Unlike before, all three models included a backside cache.

The Wallstreet II was the last Old-World ROM notebook to ship from Apple.

The Lombard

PowerBook G3 'Lombard'

image via damianward on Flickr

Also known as the “Bronze Keyboard” PowerBook, the third-generation of the PowerBook G3 Series went for sale in May 1999. It was two pounds lighter than the Wallstreets and nearly 20 percent thinner.

This laptop dropped ADB support, came with just one PC Card slot and was the last to include built-in SCSI.

With the Lombards, Apple reduced the L2 cache, meaning while these machines were clocked faster than previous ones, under certain circumstances the Lombards are slower machines.

These notebooks required Mac OS 8.6 or later, but can run up to Mac OS X 10.3.9.

The Pismo

PowerBook G3 'Pismo'

image via toolshed4 on Flickr

The last PowerBook with a G3 processor ironically dropped the “G3” in the name.

The Pismo was introduced in February 2000. A 400 MHz/64MB/6GB model was sold for $2,499, with a 500 MHz/128MB/12GB model was $3,499. In September 2000 the hard drive sizes were increased to 10 and 20 GB, respectively.

The machine brought lots of new technology to the PowerBook line, including FireWire 400 and Clamshell Mode.

The Pismo required Mac OS 9.0.2, and can run up to Mac OS X 10.4.11.


In retrospect, it’s easy to see just how important the PowerBook G3s were to Apple. The machines bridged the gap between old-school and modern Macs, and each generation included significant progress in Apple’s mobile technology.

When it comes to expandability, nothing beats these machines. With two bays, users could swap in floppy drives, optical drives, and even a second battery. In fact, with after-market batteries, Pismo users can see up to 16 hours of battery life.

That said, these machines were weird. Things like the upside down Apple logo and PRAM battery issues are laughable today.

Like the iMac G3, these PowerBooks aren’t super useful these days. If you’re set on using one, a loaded Pismo is the way to go. I had one up until a few years ago when the logicboard died. I parted it out, and every once in a while, I scour eBay for a replacement. There’s just a charm about these machines that current Apple notebooks lack.

Breaking: Apple Retail Employees Just As Terrible As Other Retail Employees →

Gizmodo’s Sam Biddle:

The sources we talked to this summer described an Apple Store that wasn’t just poorly managed—it was a personal playground. Computers were traded for plastic surgery, iPhones were smashed like party favors, and employees outright stole from the back room for their own pleasure. It was a den of misuse and abuse, all under the gleaming white aegis of Apple Retail. The perfection is a myth.

The only reason this is “news” is that the stories posted took place in an Apple Store. No one is shocked when something shady goes down at Wal-Mart or Taco Bell.

Hell, here’s me with the front glass panel of an iMac I dropped just to see what would happen.

via everyone who emailed me this

The 512 Podcast 043: These Are Different Spiders →

NeXT Lives On →

Chris Foresman:

Apple announced the acquisition of NeXT on December 20, 1996, noting it wanted NeXT’s object-oriented software development technology and its operating system know-how. As part of the deal, Jobs came back to Apple, eventually taking over as CEO and making the company into the consumer electronics giant it is today. Sixteen years later, several technologies developed or championed by NeXT still survive in OS X and in its mobile cousin, iOS.

Instagram: ‘We’re Listening’ →

Kevin Systrom:

Yesterday we introduced a new version of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service that will take effect in thirty days. These two documents help communicate as clearly as possible our relationship with the users of Instagram so you understand how your data will be used, and the rules that govern the thriving and active Instagram community. Since making these changes, we’ve heard loud and clear that many users are confused and upset about what the changes mean.

Rebooting Project 365

In both 2008 and 2009, I completed a “Project 365,” which is a year-long series of photos, one shot, edited and posted each day.

I’ve decided to this again for 2013. I’ve gotten away from my photography over the last two or three years for lots of reasons, and I think this will be a great way to get back on the horse with it.

Incidentally, this meant re-joining Flickr. (I’ve come to regret shutting down my account a few years ago.) While I’m not thrilled with Instagram’s new Terms of Service, I’m not leaving the service. However, Instagram is not the right service for this kind of project.

Anyways, if you want to follow along, all of the photos in the series will be on this Flickr page.

Do Real Kickstarters Ship? →

Julianne Pepitone:

CNNMoney contacted the creators of the 50 highest-funded Kickstarter campaigns with estimated delivery dates of November 2012 or earlier to determine their shipping status. We found that only eight of those 50 projects hit their deadline.

Sixteen of the 50 projects haven’t yet shipped. Among the 26 projects that shipped but went out late, the median delay was two months, although some outliers took much longer.

On OmniFocus Contexts →

Michael Schechter:

As you you start toying with contexts or looking at the way others create their own, there’s really no right or wrong way to go about this. It’s more about finding what works best for you and what doesn’t. In my case, I needed to boil everything down as far as I could; others crave a hierarchy that has thought of everything, most will fall somewhere in-between the two. I’ve found tremendous value in determining the contexts that are essential and in naming tasks consistently for recall, but that’s just what works for me.

I think contexts is one of those areas on OmniFocus (and GTD on the whole) that freak people out. Michael’s article is a great place to start if you’re struggling with this.