Content Providers Should Fear Netflix →

Willa Paskin, in an article I started reading because I love Arrested Development:

Yet traditional television networks still apportion their series in weekly episodes over four to eight months, allowing binge-­watching only in retrospect, even though, for an increasing number of viewers, binge-­watching isn’t just a way to catch up on a season that has already wrapped but a better viewing experience altogether. Why let networks and advertisers get in the way of that? Which may explain what Sarandos says, that the audience for Breaking Bad is bigger on Net­flix than it is on AMC. (One of the few hard numbers Netflix has shared is that 50,000 of its subscribers watched all 13 episodes of Breaking Bad’s season four the day before the new season premiered on AMC.)

In case you missed it: Breaking Bad enjoys a bigger audience on Netflix than it does on AMC.

Remember that fact. I bet it comes back up again.