The Bottom of the Barrel

I’ve cleared my Instapaper queue and I don’t have any unread books on my Kindle.

My inboxes are all at zero and there’s nothing left to mark as read.

I’ve laid out an iPhoto book of my vacation photos and am caught up on The Office. I even pre-ordered the 2013 AP Stylebook.

I’m bored. So very bored.

The Internet is usually a firehose of articles, links and images, but in the Apple-centric corner of the Internet things are a little slower than normal.

With WWDC still several weeks out, and no news from the company expected in the meantime, we’re all moving from app release to app release, dreaming of new software, knowing new Apple hardware is still probably months away.

I visit larger sites in this space, and it seems that everyone is feeling it. Stories that normally wouldn’t be big deals are floating the top. It’s a race I don’t want to be in.

In times like this, I’m sort of glad I don’t write 512 full time. But it makes me feel weird that I spend so much time online reading and looking and absorbing.

Things are just slow right now, but instead of enjoying it, I am sort of freaked out.

I need Breaking Bad to come back on.