Clear update adds reminders

Clear for iOS and OS X are well-known for being easy and fun to use. Today, both apps have been updated to support reminders. Here’s Realmac’s Dan Counsell on the company blog:

We’ve been busy working away on the next big update to Clear, and today we’re thrilled to announce that Clear with Reminders is now available on the App Store. Set a reminder, and Clear will remind you across all your devices as Clear for Mac also gets this new feature today as well!

Reminders hasn’t cluttered Clear’s interface. Swiping and pinching are still used to navigate lists and add items, but when an item is added, there’s a new tappable link to create a reminder, which brings up a custom date picker:

iOS 7’s default UIDatePicker has issues, and what Realmac is using in Clear is a big improvement. I wouldn’t mind seeing this implementation become standard across iOS apps.

Once a reminder is created, it does exactly what you think it will: send a push notification to your devices at the specified time:

Clear for iOS is $4.99. The Mac app is $9.99. Both are well worth it if you’re looking for a great way to keep up with to-do lists.