Apple to temporarily pull blood glucose measurement from Health app →


The Health app lets you manually enter and view blood glucose values in mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). This unit of measurement is used by a number of countries, while some other countries use mmol/L (millimoles per liter).

HealthKit supports both units of measurement. However, if you measure your blood glucose using a device that displays mmol/L, those values can’t be manually entered or displayed in the Health app with that unit of measurement.

To prevent confusion in countries where mmol/L is commonly used, we’ll soon release a software update that will temporarily remove the ability to manually enter and view blood glucose values in the Health app while we work on an update to support both units of measurement.

As much as I want to make a Glucosegate joke, I can’t. This is just embarrassing, and for the people already relying on this feature, a serious issue. Apple needs to get on the ball with this app and get it fixed.