RSS Sponsor: For The Record – A Show About the People Who Create Some of Our Favorite Things →

For The Record is a new podcast from Tim Smith about the personal struggles of successful, creative people.

Humans, like you and I, normally end up talking about things that are going well in our life. But behind this persona that we all try to project, there are stories of failure, family, and money.

These conversations usually involve things we don’t want to admit to. Usually because either our past or our present is a bit embarrassing. It’s not easy owning up to situations we maybe didn’t handle the right way.

But let’s be honest, these mistakes make us who we are, and inform the decisions we make. Often, these so-called failures lead to us being better people; patient, empathetic, forgiving, and kind.

And that’s what this show is all about. You’ll hear stories from all types of people who’ve made mistakes, and are wiser because of them. Some of them, you’ll know as the creators of something you love. Others, the show will introduce to you for the first time.

For The Record is a show about the people behind some of our favorite things. Or, as Myke would say, favourite.

You can find the show in Overcast, Pocket Casts, iTunes, or on Twitter as @hearftr.