Aqua Screenshot Library 1.1: Lots of macOS Mojave, Lion Goes Retina

I have published two big updates to the Aqua Screenshot Library that I wanted to share.

First, I have published a full set of Mojave screenshots. This page has three galleries. You can check out Mojave in Light Mode and Dark Mode, as you may have expected. The more I use it, the more I think Dark Mode isn’t for me, but more on that later. In the mean time, bask in all this dark glory:

Mojave Dark Mode

That’s not all I’ve done for Mojave, however. You can also see all possible combinations of those modes and the release’s new accent colors at the bottom of the page. This combo may be my least favorite:

Mojave Dark Mode - Yellow Accents

Secondly, the collection of Lion screenshots is now of Retina quality. My thanks to Adam for hooking me up with an original Retina MacBook Pro to capture these images with. Now you can see 10.7’s iCal in all of its glory:

Lion iCal


If you haven’t spent any time on these pages, today’s a great day to start. I’d like to thank Hover for sponsoring it. Head to now​ ​and get 10% off your first domain.