Widgetsmith 6.2 →

Earlier today, David and I shipped version 6.2 of Widgetsmith. This release is for both iOS and visionOS, and packs some cool goodies:

Widgetsmith 6.2 brings a brand-new widget type: Background Sounds!

Beyond the standard White and Brown Noises, this release includes sounds from nature, including various intensities of rain, forest sounds for both daytime and nighttime and waves at the beach. These sounds are high quality and uncompressed, creating seamless loops for a rich soundscape. Create an immersive ambiance right from your home screen with the following sounds. All users have access to White Noise and Stream.

My favorite element to this new feature is being able to build a photo widget that doubles as a background sound widget. When David sent me a note about building that, I was pretty pumped.

I humbly suggest you give Brown Noise a test run. It’s my background noise of choice.