Tending to OmniFocus

Back in April, I wrote:

Living with OmniFocus is like having a garden. If you don’t take care of it, weeds take over and ruin it, choking out anything healthy. But if you tend it carefully, it will provide you with beautiful, bountiful results that are delightful.

I didn’t share then about how I keep OmniFocus tended to, but I have a project in OmniFocus named “GTD” that is setup to help keep my system running well. Here’s what it looks like:

It’s pretty simple. Here’s a breakdown of the tasks:

  • Perform Weekly Review on iPad — every Friday at 4:00 PM
  • Sweep OmniFocus Inbox — daily at 10:30 AM and 4:30 PM

The review functionality built in to the iPad app makes the app worth it. Stepping through each project and folder is a great way to make sure that no corners of OmniFocus get too dusty.

I sweep the OmniFocus Inbox at least twice daily. I add all sorts of things to the app — especially from the iPhone — that initially land in the Inbox. During my sweep, things get a context, project and due date.

I used to just look at the Inbox at 4 PM each day, but I found that things would sit too long without being addressed. A few weeks in to the change, and things are working smoothly.