Relay FM’s summer pilots →

This morning, Myke and I announced two new shows on Relay FM, the podcast network we launched last August.

Cortex and Reconcilable Differences are both amazing shows. The hosts are some of the best in the business. As I told Myke earlier this week, three-years-ago-me would have been floored to think about working with guys like Merlin, Siracusa and CGP Grey.

We have committed to ten episode of each show, and while they may go beyond that, the idea of short-run shows is something Myke and I talked a lot about when founding the network. This sort of experimenting was one of the reasons we wanted to build Relay.

It’s been a crazy ten months. Myke’s in the business full-time, and we’ve been profitable since the start. We have twice the number of podcasts on the network we did then when we published the first episode of the initial batch of shows.

I can’t wait to share what’s next. Stay tuned.