Weighing In and Long-Term Follow-Up →

Dr. Drang:

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that it took me a year to finally get around to writing a script I’d been thinking about. Today’s post is one whose seed was planted almost two years ago.

In October 2018, Myke Hurley and Stephen Hackett were in Chicago for a Relay FM event that I attended. During the event, they recorded this episode of Ungeniused, their podcast about weird articles on Wikipedia. In honor of the city they were in, the article they chose was “Raising of Chicago,” which describes how, in the 1850s and 1860s, the roadways and buildings of the city were elevated as much as six feet to get them up out of the muck and allow decent drainage of both stormwater and wastewater.

An informative post, no matter when it showed up.